tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 04 07:55:16 1998

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Re: English - thlIngan - german

According to Qov:
> jIH chotIchbe'bej.  naDev German Hol tuchlu' 'e' vIpay.  ngochvam vIpar.
> naDev tlhIngan Hol wIlo' qoj tlhIngan Hol wIqel 'ej wIqelmeH jIHvaD ram Hol
> wIlo'bogh.
> In fact, I wish to propose a change to the list policy.  I propose that this
> list be for discussion in tlhIngan Hol, or of tlhIngan Hol *in any
> language*, with the request that those posting in languages other than
> Klingon or English provide a Klingon or English translation or summary, if
> they can.

I can support this policy, so long as posters recognize that
most people on this list speak Klingon and English. If you
expect people to read what you've written, choosing some other
language restricts your audience.

We might come up with a KLBC-like header for the Subject so
people could choose to skip messages not using English as the
other langauge than Klingon.

Just remember that if you use Klingon and English, more people
will understand you and you'll get responses from a larger pool.

> I don't speak German.  

Note, for example that our BG does not speak German, so if you
post in German, you can't get a response from the BG.

> Qov     [email protected]
> Beginners' Grammarian                 


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