tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 03 16:38:11 1998

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Re: English - thlIngan - german

At 15:07 98-03-03 -0800, Lothar "Khan" Irrgang wrote:

}This is not an offense!
}It shall not be misunderstood!
}I began to build a tlhInganHol-german-mailinglist
}tlhInganHolDe'QaywI' vIchentaH
}Anyone is invited honorably!
}batlh yISuchlu'

jIH chotIchbe'bej.  naDev German Hol tuchlu' 'e' vIpay.  ngochvam vIpar.
naDev tlhIngan Hol wIlo' qoj tlhIngan Hol wIqel 'ej wIqelmeH jIHvaD ram Hol

In fact, I wish to propose a change to the list policy.  I propose that this
list be for discussion in tlhIngan Hol, or of tlhIngan Hol *in any
language*, with the request that those posting in languages other than
Klingon or English provide a Klingon or English translation or summary, if
they can.

I don't speak German.  I would skip the German parts of the posts, but I
don't want to see our small language community fragmented along national
lines. I understand there may be an issue of character sets, for special and
accented characters, but I am quite willing to read through a few éæçñ funny
l00king characters to hang onto our international tlhInganpu'.

I personally welcome on-topic posts in any language, and will try hard to
answer or find someone to answer KLBCs in any language.

}Further suggestion? Questions?

Speaking of correcting:

}tlhInganHolDe'QaywI' vIchentaH

This is so obviously written by a German speaker I have to smile.  To you it
seems quite normal to string together four nouns in order to create a new
one, and some people argue that section 3.2.1 permits this. Observations of
canon seem to indicate that this isn't the way Klingon works, though.  Leave
the spaces between the nouns and speak of a {tlhIngan Hol De' QaywI'}.
Perfectly understandable.  The subject of the verb {chen} is the thing that
takes form or builds up.  If you make something else take form, use the
{-moH} suffix {tlhIngan Hol De' QaywI' vIchenchoHmoH} - "I begin to build a
Klingon language server."

}Anyone is invited honorably!
}batlh yISuchlu'

The "indefinite" subject indicated by {-lu'} clashes with the "you" subject
inditated by {yI-}.

batlh yISuch! "Visit it honourably!"
yISuchneS! "Do me the honour of visiting it."
batlh Suchlu'jaj!  "May it be visited with honour."


Or {ghoghoS} if there is more than one of you on the list.

}- ... das klingonische Sprachinstitut?
}Bisher die Idee, ein deutsches Pendant zum amerikanischen "Klingon
}Language Institute" zu schaffen. Ebenfalls mit einer Mailinglist als 
}- the "Klingonisches Sprachinstitut"?
}Yet, the idea to create a german version of the klingon language
}institute. Also with a mailinglist as its "heart".

The Klingon Language Institute attempts to be international, not an American
institute, but as a Canadian who is a member of other US-based international
organizations, I understand the desire for something not so dominated by
American thought and American assumptions.  

I believe that you have more to lose by separating yourselves from the
English-speaking Klingon speakers than you have to gain by having a separate
German-based institute.  By all means, unite German Klingon-speakers, but
don't separate yourselves. 

I strongly believe that this list and HolQeD should accept submissions in
languages other than Klingon and English.

}Bitte sprich nur Hol oder Deutsch!
}Please use Hol or german language only!
}Für replies benutze nur [email protected]!
}For replies use [email protected] only!

I replied mostly in English and to this list for the purpose of addressing
Lawrence, Seqram and the KLI membership.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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