tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 03 19:17:26 1998

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Re: KLBC: tlhutlh

At 16:11 98-03-03 -0800, David Dune wrote:
}	I've had a discussion with a friend he initially said: {jIHvaD
}QaQbe´ tlhutlh.} And I thought {'oH QaQbe'eghmeH jItlhutlhbogh.} was
}	I have lots of reasons why, but what is the corrector

Which is worse, death by drowning or by decapitation?

Check back on the website
/tlhIngan-Hol/1998/Mar98/0635.html, 0643.html, 0666.html
and other follow-ups for a discussion of {jIHvaD QaQbe' tlhutlh}, and better
ways to express the idea.

As for {'oH QaQbe'eghmeH jItlhutlhbogh} ...

The word {'oH} is placed in the object position of a verb that isn't
transitive to begin with, and which has a reflexive suffix on it.  It can
have no role in the sentence, so i's just sitting there.

{QaQ} means be good.  Note that {-be'} ends in a {'} and {'egh} starts with
one and you can't leave either one out. But *{QaQbe''eghmeH} means "In order
for him /her/it to be not good him/her/itself."

The {-bogh} suffix allows the construction of relative clauses. {HIq
vItlhutlhbogh}  "The liquor I drank." It's meaningless without a subject or

Neither statement is correct, so I can't choose a "corrector" one.  

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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