tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 01 15:25:52 1998

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Re: KLBC: question types

ja' HovqIj:
> about questions like:
>"Did he hit the officer or the child?"
>This is neither a yes/no-question nor does it have an interrogative.

Since we only have tools for yes/no questions or ones including an
interrogative like {'Iv} or {qatlh}, I'd rephrase the question so it
can be asked using those tools:

{yaS qIp'a'?  puq qIp'a'?} "Did he hit the officer? Did he hit the child?"

The other suggestions for setting up the situation and then asking for the
identity of the person hit work too, but the dual question satisfies me in
this and most other cases.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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