tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 28 14:11:17 1998

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Re: study

---Rob <[email protected]> wrote:
> Is there a study program that instead of being written in the
phonics, is
> written in the actual tlhIngan symbols? This way I could read and
write in
> phonics and real tlhIngan.

It's a good question, but the problem is that we don't *know* real
pIqaD.  The writing shown on the show is explicitly not a complete
alphabet.  The writing some people (not including me: I can barely
read my own coffee mug, and I know what it says) know was just mapped
to characters by the KLI. 

If there is somone who knows the KLI font and is willing to teach you
Klingon using it, then I imagine they will contact you, but by
learning in a transcription system not typable and not known to all
the skilled speakers, you are cutting yourself off from many
opportunities to learn.  I suggest you learn using the Okrand
romanization, and also learn the other font, so you have the best of
both worlds.   
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