tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 23 07:56:24 1998

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Re: DS9 Finale Kl;ingon

:qaSDI' 01:09 PM 6/22/98 -0700, ghItlh Katie:
: >SuSvaj wrote:
: >> I've run through the scene a few times, and this is the best transcription
: >> I can make.
: >>     neHtaH Qo'noS 'ej betleH Hu' HoHneS maH.
: >>     neHtaH Qo'noS yay je betleH maHno'
: >
: >Here's a literal translation in Klingon order. Can someone fix this so
: >it's more understandable. I haven't reversed the order. So this is
: >literaly a literal translation.
: >  Forever Qo'noS and betleh "days ago/get up" kill with honor we.
: >  Forever Qo'noS victory also betleh our ancestors.
: Actually <reH> is forever, not <neH>.  <neH> means "to want".  It looks
: like the writer may have been trying to say something like
:   "Kronos wants us to pick up the batleth so that we can kill honorably."  
: It looks like they might have used <Hu'> meaning "get up" to say "pick up."
: If so, it's quite wrong, but no surprise there.  We can probably write the
: whole thing off as no' Hol.
: SuSvaj

True, but what was it supposed to be?  Before we argue further over the
grammar (or lack thereof), let's see what the actual text was.  Last night I
taped the rerun and transcribed the closed captions.  These are:


Four separate lines.  This is apparently verse, though it wasn't identified
as such in the story.  Is it an extract from a death chant?  Worf's favorite
battle song?  A quotation from Kahless?  Dax's favorite historical epic?
Worf didn't say and Sisko didn't ask him.

Note that it is a *bit* better than the total gibberish the writers usually
make up.  If you noticed, Michael Dorn seemed to be trying to carefully say
the lines - at least, to get them right as they were in the script.  Someone
obviously was trying to translate a bit of poetry using The Klingon
Dictionary but used English syntax in places.  If {manob} means "we give",
then s/he found the table of verb prefixes, but didn't understand how the
subject-object prefixes work.  So, if we want to give this any more thought,
I suggest we try to reconstruct the underlying English original and then
re-translate it into correct tlhIngan Hol.

To get us started, "BAT'LH" and "BAT'LHQU" probably refer to {batlh}
"honor", not {betleH} "bat'leth".  Dorn simply pronounced it like
"bat-tuhl".  Words with /tlh/ always confuse actors.

Steven Boozer   University of Chicago Library   [email protected]

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