tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 19 11:49:11 1998

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Re: qep'a' word list

>> In the qep'a' word list, the sentence "nuqDaq > DaDab" is given. 
>> that be "nuq DaDab"?
>{nuqDaq} is a word in its own right, not {nuq} with a {-Daq}  suffix. 
>If the answer to a question is a location than the question can be
>safely formed by replacing the word or words giving the location with
>the word {nuqDaq}.
>We might have canon with {nuqDaqvo'}, meaning "whence." and
>demonstrating that the syllable {Daq} is not as a type 5 suffix. (Do
>we, Voragh?  Oh canon master, give us the offical uses of {nuqDaq},

Daq is also a noun, so nuqDaq would be a noun-noun, or in this case closer
to pronoun-noun (uh, err, something).

maH Daq - our location / the location of us.
nuqDaq - the what's location / the location of what.

DaqDaq - at the location
Daqvo' - from the location


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