tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 16 15:42:26 1998

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Re: KLBC [B. Clawson]

: Cultural note, water isn't considered a fit beverage for a Klingon.
: - Qov.

Regarding the Klingon attitude to water, consider the following: 

    matay'DI' vIHtaHbogh bIQ rur mu'qaDmey 
    Between us, curses run like water. (PK)

    tay'taHbe' 'Iw bIQ je 
    Blood and water don't mix. (TKW)

    tlhutlhmeH HIq ngeb qaq law' bIQ qaq puS 
    Drinking fake ale is better than drinking water. (TKW)

    bIQ ngaS HIvje' 
    The cup contains water 
    (idiom: "be quite mistaken, be totally wrong") (KGT)

    bIQ ngaS HIvje'lIj 
    Your cup contains water (i.e. "You're all wrong") (KGT)

    puj; bIQ rur 
    weak as water (KGT)

I don't know this song, but would bloodwine {'Iw HIq} - or just {HIq} for
that matter - distort the imagery you're after?

- Voragh
  Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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