tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 16 08:46:38 1998

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jIghIQlI'mo' Hoch QInmey vIHevlaHtaHbe'. jabbI'IDvamvaD jIjeS
'e' vImevbe'chugh vaj QIn ngaSwI'wIj teblu'. cha'maH wejleS
jIchegh. chorI' DaneHchugh Quv yIlo':

[email protected]

SKI: I'll be in Denmark for three weeks. I have unsubscribed
because the volume of messages here likely would exceed my
allocation for Email for so long a time. I hope to join again
when I get back.

For those wishing to contact me (I do enjoy getting mail in
tlhIngan Hol), please use the above address, but that address
does not work for this mailing list. Its unusual format (it
sends messages "from root", whatever that means) appears as
spam to the spam filters, so I can't mail to the list from it,
and I'm not up for paying international telephone rates to
download the whole list to my PalmPilot, even if I could get it
to work.

Holtej has generously offered to post things for me that I send
to him (assuming I'm not too busy eating Danish pastries and
drinking Danish beer or being sheepishly polite to svelt Danish
women to write anything... and assuming that I can get
pilotmail to work in Denmark). If for some bizarre reason
anybody thinks my response to anything here would be
particularly appreciated, feel free to forward any particular
message or discussion on to me. I expect to check mail about
once every three days.


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