tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 15 17:43:26 1998

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From: William H. Martin <[email protected]>

>qaStaHvIS munungbogh Hogh naQ SIS.

I still don't think {naQ} is the right word for this idea.  If you think
{Hogh naQ} means "the whole week," then what does {Hogh naQbe'} mean?
"Not-whole week?"  What's that?  How can a week be not a whole week?  If
it's not a whole week, it's not a week.  And if that's the case, what's the
point of talking about the week being whole in the first place?

Hogh Hoch
the whole week

Hogh HochHom
most of the week

Hogh 'op
some of the week

Hogh bID
half of the week?

>qaStaHvIS DaHjaj nungbogh Hogh naQ SIS.

qaStaHvIS DaHjaj nungbogh Hogh Hoch SIS

This isn't too bad.

Stardate 98455.9

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