tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 14 04:01:20 1998

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Re: Want to get off this list?

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>
>To: Your name and e-mail address
>Date: 17 March 1998 23:14
>You have been added to list [email protected].
>The system has recorded your address as
><Your e-mail address>
>If a message is ever rejected, please contact the list's owner:
>[email protected]
>For information on this service and how to use it, send the following
>request in the body of a mail message to [email protected]:
>All requests should be addressed to [email protected].
>Keep this message! Do not delete this message. This message will tell you
>how to unsubscribe when the time comes you want to. Keep this message!
>Messages sent to the public list asking to be unsubscribed will be IGNORED
>the listowner. (And you look stupid, as well)
>      *****
>Hello, and welcome to the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list!
>The administration of this list is handled mostly by automated software.
>You may obtain help on using the listserver software by sending email to
>"[email protected]" with the word 'help' in the body. Any and all
>administrative requests (That is, requests that are supposed to _do_
>something, instead of being forwarded on to the mailing list) should be
>sent to <[email protected]>, with an empty subject and a body containing the
>have a subject that can't be confused with a request (i.e. don't put
>"unsubscribe" in the subject of your message).
>If you have any problems with communicating with the listserver, your
>maintainer's email address is <[email protected]>. You are welcome and
>encouraged to contact him with any questions or problems. Please keep
>in mind that your listowner is a busy person, so it may take several
>days (or as long as a week) to get a response.
>Some requests that might come in handy:
>subscribe tlhIngan-Hol YourNameHere [subscribe to list]
>unsubscribe tlhIngan-Hol [unsubscribe from list]
>help [get help]
>set tlhIngan-Hol mail digest [digest mode -- See below]
>set tlhIngan-Hol mail postpone [Turn off mail w/o unsub]
>set tlhIngan-Hol mail ack [Turn it back on]
>It is strongly suggested that casual subscribers set their mail mode to
>DIGEST - This will send tlhIngan-Hol mail in batches (digests) instead of
>one message at a time. Setting yourself DIGEST will allow you to still get
>the full traffic of the list, but in an easier-to-read format.
>This message explains the structure of the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list,
>how you can post messages to the list, and guidelines for posting
>messages. Please read this entire message carefully before you post
>anything to the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list.
>* Frequently Asked Questions about this list
>The FAQ for this mailing list is located at:
>* What is the Klingon language?
>The Klingon language is the language of the Klingon Empire, of course.
>The language that we recognize in this mailing list is laid out in
>Marc Okrand's book _The Klingon Dictionary_ (Pocket Books, ISBN
>0-671-74559-X, Approx. US$10). If you don't have a copy of this book,
>we recommend strongly that you obtain one before posting to the
>mailing list. This will help keep the list from being clogged with
>simple vocabulary questions, and will allow you to follow the action
>much more easily. If you can't find the book in book stores near you,
>you can order a copy directly from Pocket Books by calling their mail
>order number at (201) 767-5937, or from the KLI's (
>merchant page.
>This language was developed by Marc Okrand for the filming of ST:III
>TSFS and has been used ever since whenever Klingon dialogue is called
>for in the ST movies and (somewhat less faithfully) in ST:TNG.
>* About the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list
>The purpose of the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list is to provide a forum for
>people to exercise their Klingon language skills. No additional
>purpose is intended or implied. The topics discussed on the list are
>essentially unbounded. In fact, the wider the range of discussions,
>the better it will be for everyone trying to expand their skills.
>The mailing list is not moderated. However, it will have one or more
>"official grammarians" (pabpo'pu'), usually selected from those
>speakers who have shown exceptional skill in the use of the Klingon
>language. If you are not one of the official grammarians, please do
>not post messages of the form: "Your grammar for this sentence was
>wrong. It should have been...". Of course, questions and discussions
>about grammar or the best usage for a given phrase are welcome from
>anyone. Just leave correcting other people's missives to the
>grammarians. Adherence to this policy will preclude endless chains of
>replies of the form "you should have said..." and will probably remove
>grammar flames as well. The grammarians will correct bad grammar
>publicly, not to cause anyone shame, but to make sure that everyone
>benefits from the example. At the grammarians' discretion, some
>corrections may be handled privately when they think that most readers
>already know the correct form (and therefore wouldn't want to bothered
>with a correction message).
>* A word about manners
>Sadly, many people today don't understand the value of civil behaviour
>and its ability to create a pleasant social experience. I don't expect
>rudeness to be a problem on the tlhIngan-Hol list, but I won't allow
>it to become one, either.
>This is a Klingon mailing list: disagreements, conflict, and spirited
>exchanges are expected and encouraged. However, rude behaviour towards
>fellow readers or repeated comments in poor taste will not be
>tolerated, nor will repeated failure to abide by the guidelines of the
>list. Repeat offenders will be removed. The list administrator will be
>the sole judge of acceptable vs. unacceptable behaviour. The purpose
>of these rules is not to limit discussions to "politically correct"
>topics (emphatically not!), only to weed out the most offensive
>messages and keep a pleasant, if spirited, atmosphere.
>* What should postings look like?
>Most postings on this list should be fairly short. In particular,
>messages in excess of two or three dozen lines should have an obvious
>and compelling reason for their length. When you quote someone else in
>a reply, make sure that you've attributed the quote properly and that
>you've trimmed the quote down to the relevant details. If your reply
>contains more lines of quotations than of new text, you should
>seriously consider whether you can make do with fewer lines of
>There are basically two kinds of postings that will appear on this
>        - Messages about anything, written in Klingon
>        - Messages about Klingon, written in English
>Topics in the first kind of message are essentially unbounded, as
>explained above. Talk about the weather, sports, history, medicine,
>whatever, as long as you do it in Klingon. The second kind of message
>should be used when you want to start a "meta-discussion" like: "How
>do I convey the notion that I was doing something continuously for a
>while, but now I'm done?" It's best that these discussions are done in
>English so that everyone can follow them easily.
>Be kind to other readers and indicate which type of message you've
>written by writing the subject line either in Klingon for the first
>type or English for the second.
>Messages that don't fit into the above categories are not welcome on
>tlhIngan-Hol, and in the worst cases, may result in your immediate removal.
>This includes such things as virus warnings ("Good Times", and the like),
>political messages (The Communications Decency Act, etc), or anything
>else that is COMPLETELY unrelated to tlhIngan-Hol.
>* Other Tidbits
>Here are a few other guidelines that will make life easier for
>        1. When writing in Klingon, don't transliterate English
>        proper nouns into Klingon phonemes. As attractive as it
>        may sound, it will make it hard for other readers (especially
>        beginners) to follow your text. If you have to use an English
>        word, just drop it in. The spelling rules are different enough
>        that it will be more than evident what language it came from.
>        2. In general, don't use Clipped Klingon; Use only "High"
>        Klingon in your postings.
>        3. For your first message, introduce yourself to the list
>        (in Klingon if you can). Include information about any
>        "handles" you might be using so that people will know
>        how to address you.
>        4. Have Fun.
>* Sending messages to the list
>Send your messages to the list at this address: [email protected]
>When you send messages to the list, be sure to check your To: and Cc: lines
>carefully. Some readers may not want to see their messages redistributed to
>other mailing lists or other media, so please do not forward messages from
>this mailing list to anyone else unless you have permission from the
>If you have a question, comment, or request concerning the mailing list
>itself, send it to <[email protected]>. If you have problems with your account
>on the list or the listserver software (trying to unsubscribe, for
>instance), send mail to the list's administrator, <[email protected]>

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