tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 29 15:14:00 1998

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KLBC: QIt tlhingan Hol vIghojS

I have compiled 'revision' cards with vocab and affix tables on them.
A new card I recently started compiling was of words that I can
recall with the use of TKD.  It currently has 21 entries. mubelmoH :-) 

I'll start with a few simple sentences and move on to more complex stuff
and when my accuracy falls to pieces I'll know roughly what level I'm at.

puqpu' vIlegh.  I see the children.

muleghlaHbe' nov.  The alien cannot see me.

He chIm vIlegh.  I see the deserted roads.

muvuQ leHolmey nov. Foreign languages fascinate me.

rut vIbom 'ach parHa'be ghotpu'. I sometimes sing but people dont like it!

DaH Huch vIbajvad jjIvum *university*Daq Huch ghajbe'mo'. ngevwI' jIH.
 Now I am working for money because I will not have much at university.  I am
 a salesperson.

Awaiting response from the BG - maybe a new one?
Matt Peperell <[email protected]>
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, be satisfied with the mediocre"

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