tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 27 13:12:09 1998

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RE: Sech nobqa'lu'

lab ~mark:
> (I've sent this message THREE DAMN TIMES in the past two 
> days, not counting
> the time I mispelled the address.  Maybe it will work NOW)
> (wejlogh QInvam vIlabta' jay'; cha'Hu' jItagh.  chaq DaH Qap)
> (Make that four times in three days)
> =-=-
> (OK, so it's an English idiom)
> wa'ben, taghwI' pabpo' gheS Qov, 'ej batlh Qu'Daj ta'taH.
> DaH ghaH wItlhabmoH 'ej ngoy'nIS latlh.  law'qu'mo' Qu'wIj 
> jabbI'IDwIj je, jabbI'IDghomvam vIlaDbe'pu' jIH, vaj chaq 
> laHraj vISovqu'be' ('ej jabbI'IDghom vIlaDchu'chugh, chaq 
> vISovchu').  'ach maja'chuq Qov jIH je, 'ej Qanqor vIyu' 
> je, gheSnISqu'mo' latlh.  "ngoy'rup 'Iv?" Qov vIyu'.
> "gheSrup pagh" mujang.  vaj pagh vInum.  Qu' neHchugh 
> (Sapqangchugh), taghwI' pabpo' gheS pagh.  taghwI' pabpo' 
> lIw Dapu' ghaH 'e' vISov, vaj Qu' waHpu'.  'ej leSlaH 
> Qovoy!  QovvaD paghvaD je: Qapla'!
> It's just about the one-year anniversary since Qov got 
> saddled with the BG job, and it's time to let the poor girl 
> relax a little.  I haven't been on the list much lately, so 
> I am afraid my experience with the respective abilities of 
> those here is somewhat dulled, but Qov and I (and Krankor)
> have conferred, and I'm accordingly tapping pagh for the job.
> If he's willing (and I know he is; he's told me), the torch 
> is thus passed.  I know he's had some experience at the task, 
> so I think all should work out.
> Some furniture smashing now, in appreciation for the fine 
> work Qov has done, and anticipation of pagh's!
> ~mark

mwuhaha. DaH qo' naQ vIcharghchu'meH jI . . .  Wait a second. I thought
I was volunteering to be the official BG - Bad Guy. The job description
for that is just to laugh maniaclly and come up with elaborate evil
plans to take over the world, only to be foiled at the last minute. It
looks like I'm actually the Beginners' Grammarian, which will require
real work. HIvqa' veqlargh.

I do gladly accept the torch, and I will try to serve honorably. I am
not ghunchu'wI' or SuStel or Qov, and I will have my own style. I will
make mistakes and miss things. I will occasionally get grouchy or lazy,
although I will try not to take it out on y'all (whoever said English
doesn't have a distinct second person plural pronoun).

A brief introduction: I am a 28 year old software developer at a small
company in Phoenix, Arizona. I started studying Klingon a little less
than three years ago, and I posted my first message to the list on April
9, 1996 (found that a few days ago going through old mail). ghunchu'wI'
was the new BG back then. Go ahead and read it if you want a laugh - or
if you want something to take me down a peg or two. I've been to two
qep'a'mey, and plan to be around for quite a few more.

I am subscribed to the list at work and do most of my work there. I tend
to be in late and stay late, so the best response times during the week
will be between 10AM and 7PM MST. At home I use the archive, and I may
answer KLBC's at home after work or leave them for the morning,
depending on my mood. On the weekends, I will answer KLBC's about once a
day, whenever I feel like it. Shorter messages will get quicker replies,
of course, and longer ones may take a bit longer.

It looks like we're in for an interesting year. taHjaj wo'!


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