tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 13 11:10:50 1998

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Text for web page

I am building a web page on which the user can switch between 
an English rendering and a Klingon rendering, but I am not sure 
about my translations. So, I am looking for a little assitance 
from the grammarians.

Here's the design (as best as I can do with ASCII):

| **********  ******************************************* |
| **********  ** <banner image> ************************* |
| * <logo> *  ******************************************* |
| **********  Search                            Help Home |
| **********                                              |
| **********  Target: __________________________ [Go]     |
|                                                         |
|             =========================================== |
|                                                         |

(if matches)

|           Hits: 25  Showing: 1 - 20                     |

(if no matches)

|           No matches were found.                        |

(if timeout)

|           Error: Query timed out.                       |

(if too many hits)

|           Error: Too many hits.                         |

Here are my translations:

- "Search" --> {nejghach}. I know that putting {-ghach} on 
  naked verb is unorthodox, but it seemed to fit better in 
  the context. I also considered {nej} and {nejwI'}.

- "Help" --> {QaH}, which luckily is both a verb and a noun.

- "Home" --> {juH}.

- "Target" --> {DoS}.

- "Go" --> {jaH}.

- "Hits" --> {qIpghachmey}, which again is probably stilted.

- "Showing" I used {cha'taH}.

- "No matches were found." --> {pagh qIpghachmey} ("0 hits",
   which seemed more direct and Klingon-esque).

- "Error: Query timed out." --> {Qagh: nejghach poH mevpu'.}.

- "Error: Too many hits." --> ??? -- I couldn't remember how
to say "too" or "too many", and (go ahead, chastise me) I have
not consulted TKD yet.


~ Thornton

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