tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 08 07:47:06 1998

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Re: Klingon Language Sighting on ABC

At 06:57 PM 8/7/98 -0700, Qov wrote:
>A friend just paged me the following description of the Klingon
>Language being used on non-Star Trek episode TV.  
>"Kid feels like geek because of his origami, rock tumbler, clog
>dancing, and speaking Klingon. His friend, who died by eating a bad
>hamburger found under his bed and now a teen angel, said something
>either in or faking Klingon. Teen Angel is the name of the show. ABC
>network, 9:30 PM EST."
>If this is a non-Paramount show, and Paramount lets them get away with
>it, more power for the Klingon Language.  
>I won't comment on the number of people known to engage in both
>Klingon and folk dancing, or why these are geek stereotypes.

I'm ashamed to admit I actually saw this show (hey, my son likes it!)
The Teen Angel did not speak actual Klingon.  I thought I heard the
sound /jatlh/ in there, but for the most part, it sounded like
'bo-jak dajak jak'.  From context, he should have been saying
something like /'ej tlhIngan Hol DajatlhlaH/.  There was definitely
nothing sounding like /tlhIngan Hol/ in what he said.

-- ter'eS

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