tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 04 19:58:38 1998

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KLBC - buv vagh DIp mojaqmey muSqu' vIlo'nISqu'qa'ba'.

KLBC - buv vagh DIp mojaqmey muSqu' vIlo'nISqu'qa'ba'.

wa'leS voSpeghDaq jIleng.
Sub HewDaq lutu'lu' toQmey law'.
cha'Hu' roj qep'a' DaqDaq DuDaqDI' Da' Datu'be'.

"Tomorrow I will travel to Vospeg."
"There are many birds of prey on the Hero's statue."
"Two days ago, when you eavesdropped at the peace conference site, you
did not notice the corporal."

muD Dotlh qabmo' nItlha'laHbe' jem'HaDarngan.
matlhHa'ghachchajmo' HoHchuq Hoch romuluSnganpu'.
mo'mo' norgh narghlaHbe'.

"Due to the bad weather, the Jem'Hadar could not follow you."
"Because of their disloyalty, the all the Romulans killed each other."
"The norg can't escape because of the cage."

SoHvaD nobvam vIqemta'.
vengvamvaD HoS wISuqnIS.
jan ghomrajvaD DIron loS leSpalmey meSchuS chuS'ugh je je' joHwI'

"I have brought this gift for you."
"We need to get more power for this city."
"My lord purchased a diron, four lespal, a meschus, and a chusug for
your instrumental band."

not Qovvo' ghem vInIHpu'.
jaghra'vo' vay' yIlajQo'.
Huvo' ghoS verengan.

"I have never stolen a midnight snack from Qov."
"Don't accept anything from your enemy."
"The Ferengi comes from the zoo."

(I can't face /-'e'/ just now, perhaps later.)

- tuv'el, pach puqloD

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