tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 01 12:18:47 1998

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Re: qep'a' QonoSHom

ja' HomDoq:
>> [I invite eager students to post translations of this message.]
>(not that I consider myself to be "eager" :)

Again, I'll only comment on the parts that didn't quite match what I

>> Dunqa' <pegh mu'>...
><pegh mu'>, "The words are secret"(?), was again great...

That's a reasonable translation of the game's name.

>>roD jIja'nISchugh tlhIngan Hol vIlo'.
>I customarily spoke Klingon.

"Normally, if I had to say something, I used Klingon."

There were one or two occasions where I needed to tell someone something
important.  I found I could easily avoid having to speak English with the
majority of the attendees.

>> Qov jech pov Daleghta'be' bIDo'Ha'.
>You haven't seen Qov's excellent costume. You're unfortunate.

DopDaq qul yIchenmoH QobDI' ghu'.  Sometimes even the best writers make
typographical errors, or even silly grammatical ones like leaving off a

>> <wa'nem Qo'noSDaq!  wa'nem juHqo'Daq!>  mu'meyvam vIjatlhtaHvIS jIpaS.
>> rInchoHtaHvIS qep'a' vIjatlhnISpu'.  'ach mu' paS QaQ law' pagh mu'
>> QaQ puS, qar'a'?
>I was late while I said <wa'nem Qo'noSDaq! wa'nem juHqo'Daq!>, "Next year
>on Qo'noS! Next year on the home planet!" I had to say it while the qep'a'
>was finishing. But late words are better than no words at all, right?

I didn't intend for this to be interpreted as part of the narrative.  I'm
saying the words right now, and I'm late.  I *should* have said them while
everyone else at qep'a' was standing around in the hotel lobby getting
ready to leave.  I'm sure at least two people would have understood the
reference immediately, though I'm not sure whether they would have laughed
and congratulated me or groaned and thrown something.

>I don't think I completely understood everything right...

I know what I meant, and I can see my meaning in your translation.  If a
phrase or two still confuses you, let me know.  Of course, I'll be leaving
for two weeks of vacation tomorrow morning, so I probably won't be able to
answer you for a while.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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