tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 01 09:02:53 1998

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KLBC - ratlh tuv'el

KLBC - ratlh tuv'el

I received a message off the list telling me I should stay with it.  I'm not sure
exactly how the rumor started, but I have no intention of leaving, and I never
said I was thinking about leaving.  (Not that I'm trying to imply that my
contribution to the list is so overwhelmingly wonderful that it would whither and
die in my absence ;-)  I am posting my response publically to dispel this rumor,
and to give the BG a shot at it.  boparHa'laH pagh boparHa'laHbe' 'ach jIratlhtaH.

qatlho'.  not jIjegh 'e' vIHechbejqu'.  chaq Dochmey vIghItlhpu'bogh DalaDnISqa'
bIyeptaHvIS.  jIjeghrup 'e' Harlaw' Hoch, 'ach vIjatlh.  qaStaHvIS qep'a''e'
chu'chu'wI'pu' Hechbe'ba'mo' neH jabbI'IDghom'e' beptaH vay'.  vIja' jabbI'IDghom
vIparHa' jIH 'ej raptaH vIneH.  rut jIQaghDI' jImoghchoH 'ach vInIDqa'.

I'm still making lots of mistakes, so just in case:

"I thank you.  I certainly intend to never give up.  Perhaps you should read the
things I have written again, carefully.  Everyone seems to think I am ready to
give up, but I never said so.  During qep'a' someone was complaining that the list
was obviously not meant for utter newbies only.  I said I like the list and I want
it to stay the same as it is.  Sometimes when I make stupid mistakes I become
frustrated, but I try again."

- tuv'el

note for Qov:  I used the /'e'/ in /qep'a''e'/ and /jabbI'IDghom'e'/ to help
identify the subject of each clause, but now I can't find my reference and can't
remember why I think it should be done that way.  Is it right?

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