tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 06 17:39:24 1997

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Story: ghojlI' wIyya

Story: wIyya Learns

I took off the KLBC marker because ~mark is right: it's too long for 
KLBC.  It's probably too long for the listserver, but at least it 
isn't a 2000 word essay on the possible uses of vegh.  Beginners are 
still allowed to read it and SuStel is still allowed to tell me what 
I did wrong.

Recap of previous episode: Bemorian council member wIyya 
is crying in a dark cage on a Klingon battlecruiser, which is 
orbiting her just-conquered homeworld. A Klingon soldier has her 
baby, tIllan. 

SaQ 'e' mev wIyya.  bemorngan vIttlhegh qaw: <bISaQtaHvIS qa'lIj 
DaSay'moH.  yISay'chu' yIQaDmoH yIlo'.>  jot'egh 'ej 'IH'eghmoH 'e' 
nID. pa'Hom nuDchoH.  

pa' larghDI' ngo'bogh Du' qach qaw. loQ nIn largh.  loQ Ha'DIbaH 
largh. law'bogh lam motlh largh. largh'egh. QamchoH.  Dung HotlaHbe'. 
yItchoH 'ej veHmey tlha'. mo' lungaS loS HeHmey beQ. latlh veHDaq 
pawpa' vaghlogh yItlaH. Dat baS Hot. ravDaq Dochmey jomlu' 'ach 
leghlaHbe'mo' ngu'laHbe'. ghaytan tlhIngan puch 'oH wa' Doch'e'. bIQ 
ngaSbe'. He'So'be'.  HIvje' tInqu' rur.  mepHey 'oH.  quS 'oHlaw' 
latlh Doch'e'.  quSHeyDaq ba' wIyya.

tIllan je'rupqu' porghDaj.  loQ 'oy'. ghaytan Soprupqu' je tIllan'e'. 
rejmorgh Dabe' bemorngan 'ach bIt wIyya.  chaq chIch ghaH QIH nov 
be'.  chaq bemorngan puqvaD SuQ tlhIngan Soj. qoy' <qa''a', ghuwI' 
luQIH 'e' yIchaw'Qo'>.  

Hurvo' tIllan ghogh Qoy.  Qam 'ej jach <tIllan!>.  lojmItHom 
poSchoHlu' 'ej lubej cha' tlhIngan.  be' ghovbej.  chaq rap loD. 
nIbmo' Hoch tlhIngan DIch ghajbe'.  ghungbogh tIllan QuchHa' 
luqemta'.  lojmItHom ghoS wIyya 'ej montaHvIS jatlhqa' <tIllan>. 
mISlaw' tlhIngan.  

<nuq DIlan?> tlhob loD.  tIllanDaq SIch wIyya. 

<yIlan> lughmoH be'  <wa' ghu ghaH.> QeHbe' be' 'ej ghaHvaD tIllan 

mIS wIyya.  <tIllan> ja'qa'. 

mul be' <yIlan, lan neH joq yIja'.>. QIt jatlh.  <yI - lan>.  wIyya 
woS Hot. <jatlh. _yI - lan_>.  buHchoHlaw' be'.

HojtaHvIS jatlh wIyya <yIlan>.  ghu pong choHmoHlaw'ta' novpu'. 

<maj!> jang be'.  mo' 'eltaHvIS.  <DaH nuqDaq vIlan?> monqu', 

mIS wIyya.  choHlaw'taH. <vIlan?> jatlh.  

yonlaw' be' 'ej wIyya DeSDu'Daq jachqu'bogh ghu lan.  <vaj yIlan 
SoH.>  ghu tlhap wIyya. ghuSut lam luchoHbe'pu' tlhInganpu' 'ej 
He'So' ghaH.  ghungba' je. je'meH yIvbeHDaj poSmoH.  SIbI' 
tlhutlhchoH 'ej jotchoH. 

yev be' <qatlh Hurgh?>  pe'vIl cha'logh jatlh <wov!>
wovchoH pa'. 

wIyya merlu'.  <wov?> jatlh.

<nom cha'logh yIjatlh> QIj be'.  <wov! wov!> wov pa' net ghur.

Daj wIyya <wov! wov!> 'ej wov pa' net ghurqa'. mon wIyya. bellaw' je 
tlhIngan.  Quch tlhInganvam neHqu' wIyya.  lIH'egh 'e' nID.  Hot'egh.
<wIyya> jatlh.  

Haghqu' tlhIngan be'.  loDvaD jatlh <*'eqIl*! yama'vaD yIjatlh. pa' 
wovmoHlaHmo' qama'ma' wIy ya ghaH'e' 'e' Qub.>  wIyyavaD mon. 
<bItlhaQ, nov.>

tlhutlhtaH tIllan.  bej neH be'.  bIt wIyya 'ach nISbe' nov be'.  
tamtaH.  latlh DopDaq ghu Qay wIyya. 

He'So'qu' ghu.  ghuSut lam Hot wIyya 'ej be' bej.  bemorngan Hol lo' 
<chay' vISay'moHlaH?> ghuSut teqchoH wIyya.

yajlaw' tlhIngan be'.  puchHey 'ang.  loDvaD jatlh "ghu Sut ghajnIS.  
lIngwI' yIghun>  puch, lIngwI' Say'wI' je much tlhIngan be'.  puchDaq 
vay' lanlu'pu'DI' chu'wI'Daq 'uy'lu' 'ej lojchoH Doch.   bIQ, Soj, 
Sut nap joq lInglaH lIngwI'.  Hujqu' Soj, 'ach SoplaH. Ha'DIbaH tlhol 
'oHlaw'.  ghunta'DI' loD, ghuvaD Sut lInglaH je.

puqDaj QorghtaHvIS wIyya, bejtaH tlhIngan be'.  <nge'qa' 'e' 
Hechlaw'> Qub wIyya.  nI'meH poH QIt vang. 

jatlh loSbogh loD <tugh, *tew'Iq*.  qatlh bIratlh? mapaS.>

jang be' <jISaHbe'.  nIteb yIjaH.>  mej loD.

je'lu'DI' 'ej Say'DI' 'ej QuchDI' ghu QongchoH. loQ SaQ ghaH, loQ 
Dap jatlh. wIyyavaD jatlh be' <vI'uch vIneH.  HInob>  ghu tlhap.

'IQchoH wIyya.  be' bej.  ravDaq ba', ghu 'uchtaHvIS. mIv teq 'ej ghu 
qotlhmeH jIb lo'.  <muvaq> Qub wIyya.  <ghaHmo' jIbwIj 'IH 'ej 
DaH munuS.> 'ach naSbe'law' tlhIngan. wIyyavaD jatlhtaH. 'Ij wIyya 
'ach yajbe'chu'.  tlhIngan parHa'law' tIllan.  morghbe' 'ej tInbogh 
SuvwI' moHDaq QongchoH. Quchlaw' be'. ghuDaj QIHqangbe' be'vam Huj 
'e' wuq wIyya. <chaq tIqmo' jIbwIj tIghchaj vIwem> ghu' laj.

pay' mon 'e' mev be'. QeHlaw'.  qaSlaw'pu' pagh 'ach  ravDaq 
Qongbogh ghu lan 'ej Qam.  pe'vIl qam pep. ghu nach DungDaq HuS 
tlhIngan DaS 'ugh. puq gho' 'e' Hechlaw' tlhIngan!

Supqu' wIyya.  tlhInganDaq vo'egh.  ro mupqu'.  pumchoH tlhIngan.
pumbe'meH rav'e' gho' 'ach toD'eghlaHbe'.  pumtaH. DubDajDaq pumqu'.
mo' HeH mup nach. QeHqu'bejbogh tlhInganDaq ba' wIyya. puq 
QanmeH vanglI' 'ej Qubbe'.  nach muplu'pu'mo' QIt vang tlhIngan. 
Qubqa'laHchu'pa' tlhIngan Hugh 'uchqu' wIyya.  voQchoH. Suv tlhIngan 
'ach HoSmoHlI' ghuDaj Qob 'ej Suvqu' wIyya. ravDaq nach mupmoH 
voQtaHvIS.  vulchoH tlhIngan.  voQ 'e' mev wIyya.  rIHbe' ghu.

tlhIngan taj pu' je lel. Qub wIyya. <tlhIngan vIHoHchugh muHoHbej.> 
mo' tlheD 'ej 'och bej.  SaH pagh.  latlh lojmIt poSmoH.  pa'HomDaq 
luch tu'lu'.  nom mo'Daq chegh.  tlhIngan DeSDu' luH 'ej mo'vo' yIt. 
'ugh tlhIngan 'ach luHlaH.  latlh pa'HomDaq tlhIngan lan.  ngo'bogh 
luch lamDaq pu' So'. vulbogh tlhIngan qel.  montaHvIS tlhIngan jIb 
tay'moH. DaQ chevmeH taj lo'.  taj So' je.  luchpa' mej 'ej lojmIt 
SoQmoH.  mo'Daj 'el.  lojmIt SoQqu'moH 'ej Qongbogh ghu retlhDaq Qot.

SKI: wIyya gets her baby back and learns some useful things, 
such as how to turn the lights on in the room, and how to turn the 
lights out on a Klingon warrior.  

Wiyya stopped crying.  She recalled a Bemorian saying: "Crying 
cleanses the spirt.  Cleanse it well, then dry it off and use it."  
She calmed herself and tried to fix up her appearance. She started to 
examine the room.

The smell of the room reminded her of an old farm building.  she 
smelled little bit of fuel, a little bit of animal, a lot of ordinary 
dirt. And herself. She stood up.  She wasn't able to touch the 
ceiling. She started to walk and follow the boundaries.  Four flat 
walls enclosed the cage. She could take five steps before reaching 
an edge.  Everywhere she felt metal.  There were things installed on 
the floor but she couldn't identify them because she couldn't see 
them.  Probably one was a Klingon toilet. It didn't have water in it 
and it didn't smell.  It resembled a really big cup.  It was some 
sort of plastic.  Another thing appeared to be a chair.  wIyya sat on 
the chair thing.

Her body was overdue to feed Tillan.  It ached somewhat. Probably 
Tillan was good and ready to eat, too.  Bemorians aren't worriers, 
but Wiyya was anxious. Perhaps the alien woman would deliberately 
hurt him.  Perhaps Klingon food was poisonous to a Bemorian child.  
She prayed "Great Spirit, don't let them hurt my baby."

She heard Tillan's voice from outside. She stood and cried out 
"Tillan!"  The hatch was opened and two Klingons watched her. She 
definitely recognized the woman.  Perhaps the man was the same.  She 
couldn't be certain because all Klingons are identical.  They had 
brought an unhappy, hungry Tillan. She approached the hatch and said, 
smiling, "Tillan."  The Klingons appeared confused.

[The next bit is untranslatable, at least by me, in a way that makes 
any sense.  The Klingons are confused because the baby's name sounds 
like "Put them down" and the mother's name sounds like "tactical 
station tactical officer"  (I swear I didn't do this on purpose I 
just made up Bemorian names and the Klingons misunderstood them  I 
was trying to get *away* from Klingons. They were supposed to do a 
cameo in the first episode and then go away. Damn Klingons 
never do what you want them to.  petaQpu' captured my main 
character.) wIyya is confused because she thinks they've changed her 
baby's name. Anyway ... she gets the screaming baby back.]

The Klingons hadn't changed his diaper and he reeked. He was also 
obviously hungry. She opened her shirt to feed him.  He immediately 
began to drink and calmed down.

The woman paused.  "Why is it dark?"  She forcefully said "wov" 
twice.  The room became light.

Wiyya was surprised.  She said "wov?"

"Say it twice fast," explained the woman. "wov! wov!"  The room 
became brighter. [yes, the Klingon for this is awful, if someone has 
a better idea I'd like to hear it.  wovqu' pa' won't work because it 
isn't very bright yet.]

Wiyya tested it. "wov wov" and the room's brightness was increased 
again.  wIyya smiled.  The Klingon seemed pleased, too.  Wiyya very 
much wanted this Klingon to be happy. She tried to introduce herself. 
She touched herslef and said "Wiyya."

And at this point, Qov gets tired of translating and hits the send 

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