tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 29 11:29:11 1996

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Re: KLBC - "to read" vs "to read about"

At 11:40 PM 9/7/96 -0700, Chet Braun wrote:
>I find I'm having a hard time saying "to read about" a subject as in:
>Reading about martial arts is less satisfying than practicing martial arts.
>The best I've come up with is:
>vIlaD tonSaw' loQ yIyon
>vIqeq tonSaw' yIyonbej

Okay, before I answer your question, I need to correct what you have here,
as I am going to modify very slightly what you have here to offer you a

First of all, <tonSaw'> needs to be first in both setnences, if it is the
object of <laD> and <qeq>, respectively.  Also, they way you have it makes
it a COMMAND:  "You!  Be slightly satisfied while I read martial arts.  You!
Be certainly satisifed while I practicing martial arts!"  I'd recommend you
stick with jI-, the "I (no object)" prefix:  "I am satsified..."  Also,
please noticed that I used "while" in both of those sentences.  You do this
by adding -taHvIS (page 43-44 and 62-63 of your KD) to the verb:

        "While I am reading it"

As far as saying "to read about"... welllllll... you have to work your way
around it.  Let's re-cast it slightly:  "I am slightly satisfied while
reading a document which describes martial arts."  Now you are no longer
"reading about" something... you are reading something specific:  the
document.  To get the idea of "martial arts" in there, I have the document
describing them:

        tonSaw' Delbogh ghItlh'e' vIlaDtaHvIS, loQ jIyon.
        tonSaw' vIqeqtaHvIS, jIyonbej.

Relative clauses are described on pages 63-64 of your KD.  I had to use the
-'e' on <ghItlh> to show that you were reading the *document*, although I
suspect context would have made this clear.

>I know [laD] is "to read".  So how do I say "to read about" ?

You re-phrase your English.  What you are trying to do here is to take a
string of English words, and convert them to Klingon words, and then put
them together into the Klingon word-order.  Unfortunately, languages don't
always work that way, and this is one such example.  In the post I just sent
in reply to the one about B'Elanna's name, I gave three suggesstions near
the end that will probably help you at this point as well (the are good
suggestions for everyone!), particularly the first two, as they were to help
that student with essentally this same problem.

No, don't feel bad; it's a very common problem, and one which almost
everyone has to deal with at one point or another.  {{:(



HoD trI'Qal, tlhIngan wo' Duj lIy So' ra'wI'
Captain T'rkal, Commander IKV Hidden Comet (Klingon speaker and net junkie!)
HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH... qatlh HaghtaH Qanqor HoD???
monlI'bogh tlhInganbe' yIvoqQo'!  SoHvaD monlI' trI'Qal...

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