tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 28 21:13:17 1996

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"have mercy" idiomatically

>96-09-28 12:06:16 EDT, vay''e' pongbe'bogh trI'Qal jang HoDma':
>>Looking at your second sentence, I think you are trying to say "have mercy".
>>I'm not sure if "having" mercy is idiomatic or not; I would suspect it is.
>>Hopefully, one of the people who know better than I will look at this, and
>>make a comment one way or the other [...]

jang SuStel:
>"Having mercy" is probably idiomatic, since one can "be merciful," mean
>exactly the same thing, and yet not *possess* something.  However, there is
>at least one other example in Klingon (perhaps more), which exhibits this
>sort of idea:
> pIch vIghajbe'
>"It's not my fault."  (TKD, opposite inside cover and p.170)
>I also seem to remember another example, but I don't know the reference:
> DIch vIghajbe'
>"I'm not sure."  (ref: I may have made this up myself; DIch vIghajbe'!)

You probably did, I can find no canon on using DIch. I like it, though, as
an alternative to jISovbejbe' (cf. TKW: bISovbejbe'DI' tImer) or using
-law' on the verb. Has a nice ring to it (speaking of idioms).

>Anyway, it shows that one may "have" certain ideas, like "fault" or
>"certainty," and this idea might even extend to "mercy."

You may be onto something.  The only canonical usage is <pung ghap HoS>
"Mercy or power" (TKW). This reminds me that we also have <HoSghaj> "be
powerful": <HoSghajqu'> "Too potent!" (CK) and <vay' DaghIjlaHchugh
bIHoSghaj> "Fear is power" (TKW). 

>Here's one final reason that this sentence makes sense: since "mercy" is a
>noun, how else are you going to use it?  There is no Klingon verb "be

Well, one can also "show mercy."  One might say <pung vI'ang>, or even
<pung qa'ang>.  We know that 'ang is used in another Klingon idiom,
namely <tIqlIj Da'angnIS> (PK) and <tIqwIj Sa'angnIS> (TKW & TNG "The
Icarus Factor"), from the nentay. (There are two other words for "show" -
magh and cha' - but neither seems appropriate here.) 

But again, these *are* both English idioms and, as such, may not be
understood by non-English-speaking Klingonists. Which leaves us with the
same problem as before.

Assuming, of course, that Klingons would even say such a thing. {{;-) 


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