tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 28 07:18:42 1996

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Help! When I feel I have to use [-ghach].

In the following translation I've used [-ghach] on the verb [vang] with a suffix.
My question is adding a noun suffix to the [-ghach] construction.  Is it allowed
in the exapmple bellow where I added [-Daj] to show the possesive?  What about
adding [-mey] or [-pu'] to the end of the same [-ghach] construct?

I've read about the general controversy regarding [-ghach] so I've tried to minimize
the use and allways use a verb suffix.

Also is it acceptable to use [lo'] and [lo'be'] as adjective modifiers in this example?

Suppress your enemy's useful actions.
Allow his useless ones.
vangchoHghach lo' jaghlI' yISev 
vangtaHghachDaj lo'be' yIchaw'


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