tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 26 21:49:47 1996

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Re: How do I say "darkness"?

Bj�rn X �qvist writes:
>I'm new to this mailing list, although I am an owner of the KD since about
>a year, and have been interested in the language for approx. the same amount
>of time.

Welcome!  Interested newcomers are much appreciated.

>I was thinking of a handle for myself, and think of "black darkness" but
>how do one say that in klingon?

If it is difficult or ugly to say in Klingon, it might not be a good
thing to try to say. :-)  "Black darkness" starts out pretty ugly, in
my opinion, but we're talking about *your* name, and a name can be
whatever you want it to be.  The general consensus around here is that
when considering names, grammatical rules are irrelevant, and even the
normal pronunciation and spelling conventions are breakable.

> Perhaps? I cant seem to find the use of
><ghach> in the KD though. How does one use it?

If you're talking about the type 9 verb suffix {-ghach}, it's described
in the Addendum section 4.2.9 on page 176.  A more detailed description
its use can be found in the Klingon Language Institute's journal _HolQeD_
Volume 3, Number 3, in an interview with Marc Okrand.  The short answer
is that it is used to nominalize a verb, but should not be used unless
there is another suffix on the verb already.

>And is my usage here correct?
>Hurghghach qij

This is not really right.  The use of {-ghach} on a naked verb is very
unusual; its apparent meaning is probably not what you want either.  I
think this kind of "darkness" refers to the *condition* of being dark,
not to something which is dark.  For the latter meaning, you probably
want the verb suffix {-wI'} instead of {-ghach}.

Oh, and be careful with spelling!  There is of course no such letter
as {i} in Klingon.  This is not all that imperative with {I}, but the
letters {q} and {Q} are distinct, and confusing them can be bad.

>The reason for this alias is of course a habit of mine:
>reH Sut qIj vItuQtaH

That sentence is perfect.  majQa'!

>I always wear black clothes.

How about something closer to the point, like {Sut qIj}?  If you really
must say something like "black darkness", maybe {HurghwI' qIj} works.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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