tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 23 06:12:48 1996

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Re: Anyone: HELP!

>I, as the senior Klingon officer in my sim group, have been tasked with
>developing a handbook for a new Klingon Division. I would like some help
>on translating a few things... First of all, I have come up with
>Fek'lhr's Fang as a name for the division's flagship. I am unable to
>find a word for "fang" in TKD. 

Suggestion: {Ho'} = "tooth"

>                                An alternate was Fek'lhr's Wrath, but I
>was amazed to find no word for wrath in TKD... 

Suggestion: {QeH} = "anger"

>                                                Surely the Klingons would
>have a word for being pissed off... <g>  Also, I would like some
>feedback on the following rank names, are these appropriate with Klingon
>military structure?
> Admiral			Sa'		* TKD says {'aj} -- {Sa'}
						  is  "General"
> Vice Admiral 			'ech		* {'ech} is "Brigadier" --
						  "Vice Admiral" (I'm guessing 
						  here) *MIGHT* be 
						  {cha'DIch 'aj}
> Fleet Captain			yo'HoD		* O.K. but two words,
						  i.e., {yo' HoD}  
> Captain			HoD		
> Commander			ra'wI'		* Hereabouts, we're using
						  ra'wI' to mean "Commanding 
						  Officer" in the sense of the 
						  post and {la'} to mean 
						  "Commander" in the send of 
						  the rank 
> Lt. Commander			Sogh		* TKD {Sogh} = "Lieutenant"
						  We are using {cha'DIch
						  la'} though I admit to not 
						  liking the too-close
						  parallel to British (and
						  American) practice 
> Lieutenant			lagh		* TKD {lagh} = "Ensign" -- 
						  IMHO s/b {Sogh}
> Lt. Junior Grade		Da'		* TKD {Da'} = Corporal 
						  IMHO s/b {cha'DIch Sogh}
> Ensign			Vaj		* TKD {vaj} = "warrior" 
						  IMHO s/b {lagh}
>Also, I would like some input on posts. I tend to think Klingon ships
>would be much more utilitarian than Federation ships, and thus most
>likely have fewer crew... I envisioned this for a basic sim crew:
>Commander			la'		* As indicated above, we
						  use {ra'wI'} here  
>First Officer			wa'DIch *	* While appreciating your 
						  logic here, perhaps 
						  {cha'DIch) does work
						  better having the sense of
>Navigator			chIjwI		* TKD {chijwI'}
>Pilot				puvwI'		* Suggestion: {deghwI'} = 
>Gunner				baHwI'		* or {HIch} or {matHa'} -- 
						  take your pick!
>Comm. Officer			QumpIn		* ) TKD: Yup!
>Engineer			jonwI'		* )
>* I came up with *wa'DIch* for "first officer" based on *cha'DIch*, the
>name for a second in the discommendation ritual...


qrlIH veStaySortlhIH Sogh la'       Lt. Commander K'rlikh Vestai-Shor-Klikh
tlhIngan wo' Duj qIj leng rawI'     Commanding Officer, IKV Black Odyssey


Denny Shortliffe

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