tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 15 10:09:04 1996

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nIDwIj wa'DIch

 > From: ur-valhalla!!DTrimboli
 > Subject: nIDwIj wa'DIch
 > I still feel shaky with this, but here's my take:

 > The {'oHvaD} is there to prevent having to write {Qo'noSvaD}.  You
 > even put {Qo'noS} in parenthesis.  Think of the translation this way:

 > {Qo'noSvaD juHqo' ponglu' neH}
 > "One simply names 'Homeworld.'  This naming is done for Qo'noS."

Since ~mark said the same thing, I'd have to agree.

 > The problem with the example is that there could be other ways to
 > interpret it.  Perhaps the apposition is really there, as you suggest. 

~mart and d'Armond say no apposition.  They're the grammarians, I'm just a
lowly battle-cruiser commander. <g>

 > I think we need more examples (what else is new?).

"A warrior slays from sun to sun, but Okrand's work is never done"?

 > Oh, by the way, I missed the final determination of what {roD} is. 
 > Could you summarize?

Okrand translated {roD 'oHvaD juHqo' ponglu' neH} as "Qo'noS is usually
referred to as simply 'The Homeworld'."  The only thing that fits is
"usually".  Okrand had already given us {motlh} as an adverbial meaning
"usually" on an earlier Skybox card, so we apparently have two adverbials
meaning "usually".

|                       Commander Qob sutai-qutvaj                      |
|       Commanding Officer, Imperial Klingon Vessel Crystal Dagger      |
|       Quadrant Adjutant, Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet, KAG      |
|              === Member, Klingon Language Institute ===               |
|Fido: Bill Willmerdinger, 1:2613/477.1701  E-mail: [email protected] |

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