tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 07 15:33:50 1996

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RE: Star Trek Communicator (was Re: KLBC question)

nughItlh Kenneth Traft:
>Glen Proechel has written down some things of interest he noted from the 
>personnel files            <<ghotpu' tamey>>
>archives                   <<tamey ngo'>>

{ta} ("file") would seem to be of use to the thread on computer terms.

>Mission Operations         <<Qu' to'wI' yaH>>
Could you recheck this for us from the magazine itself?  Jeffrey Stimac
(qarghan HoD) pulled out his copy and verified the exact text of what was
printed (noting the frequent substitution of lowercase "l" for uppercase
"I" by the copy editor/typesetter), not remarking on what I had posted: 

		Mission Ops	Qu' vu'wI' yaH
ASFAIK, there is canon only for {to'} "tactics" (n) in TKD, implying 
{to'wI'} means something like "tactician". {vu'wI} ("manager" [n] < {vu'}
"manage" [v], both attested in TKD) in this context makes better sense: 
the mission manager's (or "operations officer's") duty station.

If {to'wI'} IS correct, then it would seem to be another of the handful of
{-wI'} nouns derived from other nouns Glen was so interested in (e.g. 
{De'wI'}, {DeghwI'}, {HerghwI'}). Or they may just come from verbs that
are either obsolete in the 24th century or otherwise unmentioned by Maltz
during his talks with Federation linguists (e.g. {chamwI'}, {jonwI'},

yIvoq 'ach yI'ol.


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