tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 04 07:47:41 1996

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Re: KLBC: Introduction Attempt

Mike Rowe {batlhro'} wrote:
>De'wI'patmey vIpoj 'ej *Hapkido* vIghojmoH

trI'Qal answered:
>Very nice!  There isn't anything wrong here!

But I don't think {*Hapkido* vIghojmoH} says what he wants it to.
Remember, {ghojmoH} doesn't mean "teach (a subject)".  It literally
says "cause (someone) to learn".  The object of {ghojmoH} properly
ought to be the person who is learning.  [This starts to get into the
problem of how correctly to use {-moH} on a transitive verb, and given
the strangeness of the single apparent example we have so far, I'd
rather avoid trying to do it at all just yet.]

Since there's no simple Klingon verb "teach (a subject)", the idea 
needs to be recast in order to come out with the right meaning.
Maybe one of the following would work okay:

*Hapkido* ghojlu' 'e' qaSmoH batlhro'.
*Hapkido* ghojlu'meH vum batlhro'.

-- Alan Anderson, professional programmer and amateur Klingonist

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