tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 03 21:10:28 1996

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crows, kraw'zamey, BOPOHbI and... Gowron

>I know the name "Gowran"  isthe slavic pronounciation of the word "crow."
>I know it because someone on this list said it.  I was wondering if that
>someone could tell me any more translations of the word.  
>Maddalena Romano

I think you're on the wrong track here.  I'm not sure what you mean by a 
"slavic pronounciation" of "crow", but in Russian (for example) there are 
two often confused words for these black birds:
		BOPOH     (VO-ron)   	"raven"
		BOPOHA    (va-RO-na)	"crow"
My knowledge of other Slavic languages is somewhat shakey--though I did do
some classes in comparative Slavics many years ago for a B.A. in Russian
Language and Literature--but I have been speaking Russian for nearly 25
years. I cannot think of anything similiar to "Gowron" you could be
thinking of. Do you have any more information?

Okrand rendered "Gowron" as {ghawran} in the new SkyBox cards 25 & 26 and
doesn't seem to relate to any known word in tlhIngan Hol. (There is no
*{ghaw} or *{ghaw'}.) The closest I can think of is {ghar} "conduct
diplomacy}, but that doesn't seem to be an option any more in light of 
the SkyBox data.

And for what it's worth, in the novel _Kahless_, Friedman frequently
mentions the "kraw'za" (pl. "kraw'zamey"): a black, carrion-eating bird.
In spite of the {-mey} suffix, this isn't tlhIngan Hol. 

I'm afraid that "Gowron" is just a standard Paramount two-syllable made-up 
alien name, like most of the others.  Okrand has just back-fit it into 
his tlhIngan Hol phonology.

But I could be wrong. The name "B'Elanna" DOES seem to have a clever 
pedigree.  Remind me to post my pet theory on this tomorrow.

-- Voragh
(whose all-time favorite Russian song is "Chornyi voron" [The Black 
Raven], as sung by Zhanna Bichevskaya)

 Steven L. Boozer              | The fact that an opinion has been widely
 University of Chicago Library | held is no evidence whatever that it is
 ----------------------------- | not utterly absurd.
 [email protected]   | 		      -- Bertrand Russell

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