tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 01 13:46:08 1996

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Re: British Klingon - more

jIHvaD jabbI'IDmey'e' vIHevbe'bogh ngeHqa'mo ghunchu'wI', yItlho'qu'!
(qatlho'qu'neS jIH, jupoywI'!)

>> > Live long and prosper
>> > yIn nI' yISIQ 'ej yIchep
>> Hey, cool, using "SIQ" for "experience," like I've long wished for!
>I would have been happier with {tIv} in this case.  {tIv} and {SIQ}
>seem like subjectively positive and negative aspects of the same basic
>concept (with the English word "experience" being a neutral form).

I actaully think that <SIQ> is more "Klingon".

The way *I* see Klingons (and this is JUST *my* point of view!), is that
they perceive all of life as a struggle... but that's they way they LIKE it!
Life is one challenge, one BATTLE right after another.  And considering how
they feel about experienceing pain, perhaps life is just one series of
"pains" right after another.

A Human might wish to someone "May you enjoy your life!"  meaning, "may you
experience no pain", but a KLINGON might wish them "May you endure your
life", (perhaps similar to the expression "May you endure the pain"?)
meaning "May you have many challenges in your life which you struggle to
meet, and have the peasure of overcoming".

I imagine it's a matter of perspective:  is life something that you think
should be easy, and simple, and "enjoyed", or is it something that you are
constantly fighting, and struggling against, and just barely managing to

Sorry, Alan, I prefer <SIQ>!!!

>> I still prefer "nI'jaj yInlIj 'ej bIchepjaj" as a wish.
>The "original" is clearly a command.  I suspect that the Vulcan 
>language does a good job of distinguishing between commands and 
>wishes, and that a Vulcan would carry the distinction into other 
>translations.  I'll cast *my* vote for the imperative form. :-)

Hm.  I guess this is how you hear it.  Sometimes, people drop the "may you"
in a wish, and it comes out sounding like a command.  Look at the rather
infamous (Don't kill me for bringing this up!  I'll be forced to kill you
guys, and I don't wanna do that... {{:) ) "Have a good day!" (obligatory,
inane silly-stupid grin on the face not included).  I sincerely doubt that
that is really a COMMAND to have a good day in English... most people mean
it as a wish, but the "may you" or the "I hope you" gets dropped.

In this case, it depends how you hear it.

I, myself, like the imperative version also, because it doesn't seem very
"Klingon" to me to express this kind of a though as a WISH.  "May your blood
scream", "May the bile of the vanquished fill your hands", "may you children
for ten generations live in disgrace", "may your ancestors deny you your
bloodright because of your folly"... all these, yes.  I don't Klingons as
wishing people "may you have a nice day" or "may you live a long life" or
"may you prosper".

ORDERING them to do it on the other hand... {{:)


HoD trI'Qal, tlhIngan wo' Duj lIy So' ra'wI'
Captain T'rkal, Commander IKV Hidden Comet
Klingon speaker and net junkie!
HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH... qatlh HaghtaH Qanqor HoD???
monlI'bogh tlhInganbe' yIvoqQo'!  SoHvaD monlI' trI'Qal...

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