tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 28 14:53:02 1996

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Re: KLBC: this message is too long

>> I certainly can't read it, and 
>I thought that other people might want to read my messages apart from
>just you.
>> discussion should either be in Klingon or in English.
>Lingva fa^sismo!!! :-( Don't you think that it's rather unfair to
>restrict this mailing list just to people who can speak English? What
>about the other c. 5,000,000,000 people in the world who can't? At the
>moment, anyone who wants to learn Klingon has to learn English first!

It's restricted to people who can speak English or _Klingon_. I'll admit
this seems a bit unfair, but in order for a post to be understood by all
there has to be some standard. There are editions of TKD in a couple other
languages, as well, so Klingon can be used for any messages you feel need to
be understood by non-English speakers. Besides, the influence of Klingon is
centered more around North America, anyway, so we aren't depriving that many
people of this list that want to use it. 

>> > P.S.- Who's the right person to
>> > moan at about the MUSH?
>> *shrug*.  Depends what you mean.  Moaning because no one's on it?  I agree: 
>> this situation is intolerable!  I just don't know how to get more people to 
>> visit!
>I do! When I first went there, I spent ages wandering through hundreds of
>different locations before I managed to find anyone, which was rather a
>waste of time. Possibly other people with less patience give up before
>they meet anyone. The second time I went, I spent ages looking for people
>(and no, it wasn't that no-one was there) and I failed, and got stuck in
>some infinite set of generic hotel rooms, from which I couldn't escape. So
>the third time I visited the MUSH, I had to start again as a different
>character ('olIvargh). I wandered around for ages (again), trying to find
>people, and failed again. If the purpose of the MUSH is to enable people
>to practise the language, what's the point of making it like a maze? The
>Virtuala Esperanto-Kongresejo is much more intelligently thought out.

I agree . . . you can't find anybody if there are only a couple people on. I
was there today, and I sent someone my location, but they never managed to
find me, and they never paged me so I could go to them.

>> Stardate 96908.7
>OK, so I've worked out that the first two digits represent the year. Is
>the rest just the number of thousandths of the year that have passed? If
>so, isn't it horrendously complicated to calculate?

Yes, that's why there're programs to do it for us. Go to for a good stardate program. The
stardate is basically the percentage of the century that's passed.

>'olIva' ('olIvargh)

Hovjaj 96911.6
     |  HurghwI' - Peregrine - Adrian
    _|\_   email - [email protected]
  / /  \ \  mIS yIjach, 'ej veS targhmey 
 ,-\\  //\__  tIQeyHa'choHmoH!
/ __\\//___/ 
|/ `----`      

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