tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 28 06:57:18 1996

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RE: KLBC: Shakespear

At 03:09 PM 11/27/96 -0800, you wrote:
>November 27, 1996 4:21 PM, jatlh HurghwI':
>> Here are a couple translations from STVI:
>Really?  I thought they were from Shakespeare.  :)
>> "Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of war!"
>> mIS yIjaH, 'ej veS targhmey tIQeyHa'choHmoH!
>"Confusion go, and start causing the war targs to be loose."

mIS yIjach, 'ej veS targhmey tItlhabmoH!
What about this? There was a bit of a typo there.

>> QIH yIjaH, 'ej veS targhmey tIQeyHa'choHmoH!
>"Destruction go, and start causing the war targs to be loose."
>I think I've seen someone else on this list translate this one.  Are you 
>listening, whoever you are?
>> "Have we not heard the chimes at midnight?"
>> ramjep *chime*-mey DIQoybe''a'?
>> I was not sure how to best translate "chimes." There was nothing even
>> remotely close.
>ramjep chuSwI' DIQoypu'be''a'?

I thought of this, but chimes aren't really noise makers. They are pleasant,
not noisy, so what about {chuSwI'Hom}. Still, if you say "Have we not heard
the small noise-makers at midnight?" they won't know what the heck you're
talking about.

>ramjep ghum DIQoypu'be''a'?
>> "To be, or not to be."
>> yIn, yInbe'ghach ghap 
>> I haven't read Hamlet yet, so tell me how it was translated there.
>But you *have* seen Star Trek VI, right?  General Chang translates this for us 
>taH pagh taHbe'.

toH! I had also been meaning to ask you what this meant. I heard him say it
at the dinner table, but the way he says it, and to my untrained ears, it
could have been:
taH paH taHbe'
tagh pagh taghbe'
taH pagh taghbe'
Besides, I had not been aware of the second meaning. 

>In all fairness, though, Okrand was originally going to use the word {yIn} for 
>this purpose, but Christopher Plummer didn't think it sounded Klingon enough.  
>Okrand invented a new meaning for {taH}: "endure, go on."
>Listen to the movie.  You'll hear this line once at dinner, and once just 
>before the cloaked Bird of Prey fires on the Enterprise for the first time.
>Beginners' Grammarian
>Stardate 96908.8

Hovjaj 96910.6

'oH mach 'e' yap'a'?
     |  HurghwI' - Peregrine - Adrian
    _|\_   email - [email protected]
  / /  \ \  mIS yIjach, 'ej veS targhmey 
 .-\\  //\__  tIQeyHa'choHmoH!
/ __\\//___/
|/ `----`    

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