tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 27 13:07:36 1996

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how about lutbompu' = opera?

As had been discussed, compounding existing nouns in Klingon is okay, and 
context should clear up any fuzziness in meaning.  However, I just realized 
that the word "Opera" is actually a plural (in Latin) for the word "Opus", 
which is a song.  Therefore an opera is actually a story with many songs. 
 So, lutbompu' would seem to be a logical alternative.  Again, literally it 
only means "story-songs" or, with the reverse nature of Klingon, 
"songs-story", which doesn't make much sense, which leads us to bompu'lut! 
 IN GENERAL, which of these possibilities makes more sense?  Can you get 
away with pluralizing the first half of a compund noun?  The answer may have 
application in other compund nouns which may be created.



[email protected]

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