tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 26 20:23:32 1996

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Klingon Resources

jIvumbe'taHvIS, jIleSmeH, jIghun.  ben puS, /tlhIngan Hol pojwI'/ 
vIchenmoH.  DaH, /pojwI' for Windows/ vIchenmoH.  rap tlhIngan mu' pojbogh 
'ay''e', 'ach HaSta vIDubqu'.  mojaq moHaq je cha'; ghItlh naQ pojlaH; 
mu'ghom DachoHlaH.  'ej, laH chu' vIchel: tlhIngna mu' Daqaw 'e' DatobmeH 
"Flashcard"mey tu'lu'.  DotlhlIj qaw pojwI'.  Hoch mu' vISovbogh vIchel; 
Hoch Hal vIlo'.

rInbe' pojwI'.  'ach, Dalo' DaneHchugh, vaj DaSuqlaH.

I'm writing to announce a beta release of /pojwI' for Windows/, the next 
version of my /pojwI'/ program.  This program uses the same analysis 
routines as the earlier DOS-based program, but with a Windows (3.1 and up) 
interface.  It features a comprehensive lexicon (and lexicon maintenance 
tool), Klingon morphology analysis, affix reference charts, and a new 
feature, Klingon flashcards, as well as on-line help.

It's still a beta version, but I'm inviting y'all to try it out first

Dalo'chugh, nuq DaQub 'e' HIja'.

Qapla', 'ej qatlho'!

Stardate 96906.72

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