tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 25 16:41:29 1996

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RE: KLBC: Act I scene i oversight

ja'ta' 'orqut:
> "mughghommey"  I have used to mean "armies everywhere".  I realize that
> armies are capable of using language, but I thought this would be an easy,
> and poetic, way to say "armies everywhere".

ja' SuStel:
> Oh, you know what Klingons consider poetic, do you?  {{:-)

{mangghomDu'} strikes me as an uncontroversially poetic usage. :-)

> ...Is an ARMY a being capable of using language, or is it the
> individual soldiers of the army?  Unless someone proves me wrong,
> I claim the latter.

*I* think {mangghom} and similar "collective people" concepts are
borderline enough that both {mangghompu'} and {mangghommey} would
have straightforward meanings.  They don't imply anything special
to me, though I would tend to use the word {mangghommey} unless I
were trying very hard to get across an idea of unusually cohesive
groups of soldiers that each had a single message.  But I wouldn't
expect anyone to infer that idea just from the word {mangghompu'}.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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