tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 25 05:46:12 1996

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KLBC: ACT I Scene i

This is part of the opening scene of the opera I am writing.  Any 
suggestions on the most efficient method of verifying the translation of the 
rest of it can be addressed to me directly at [email protected]

I have learned the hard way not to write in English first.  I unwittingly 
made my opening sentence very complex!

Here goes:

Original English:

I will miss the many battles we have had with these Romulan scum.  BUt, to 
us, overtures of peace from Romulus are as good as surrender.  There are 
many other empires we can crush, with far more interesting prey.  We will 
miss the glorious battles, but victory is more meaningful when the opponents 
share the love of battle and are worthy adversaries.  Here's to future 
battles! Here's to future glory! Wait! Here comes the Romulan leader.  And 
there is Kraqud (BTW, a ancient Klingon folk hero I made up.  Ideas for more 
accurate characters are welcome).  How long has he lead our people?  He has 
guided us for many good years.  He is worthy of our trust.

Klingon Attempt (all repetition is poetic, not necessarily conversational):

petaQpu'romuluSngan may'meymaj 'e' mevlaw'pu'.  Do'Ha'. 'ach rojmab'e' 
romuluSngan luchup.  raplaw' jegh.  mangghommey nuloS,  mangghommey Dajqu', 
mangghommey charghlaH.  may'meymaj mevpu', 'ach Suv tIv ghol 'e', 
Qapla'a'maj DIcharghDI'.  Suv chollI' wa'leS!  Qapla' chollI' wa'leS! 
 bIjatlh 'e' yImev!  paw yaS'a' romuluSngan. paw Qraqud. 'ar DISmey Qraqud 
nuDev?  DISmey law' nuDev.  Qraqud wIvoqlaH.


Romulan @#$% our battles apparently have ceased.  This is unfortunate. But, 
the peace treaty was proposed by the romulans.  Apparently the same as a 
surrender. Armies wait for us.  Very interesting armies.  Armies we can 
conquer.  Our battles have ended.  But the fight enjoyed by an opponent, our 
success is enhanced when we conquer them. Battles are in the process of 
coming tomorrow!  Success is in the process of coming tomorrow!  Quiet! here 
comes the senior Romulan officer.  Here comes Kraqud. For how many years 
Kraqud leads us?  Many years he leads us.  Kraqud, we can trust him.



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