tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 21 16:39:39 1996

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RE: KLBC: {-vam} {-vetlh} je

jatlh Qorbeq:

>  <current topic> luja'chuqDI' ghotpu', pIj {-vetlh} lulo' 'e' vItu'.
>  tlhIngan Hol jatlhlu'taHvIS <that> 'oSba' {-vetlh}, 'ach rapbe' {tlhIngan
>  <that>} {DI'vI' <that>} je.

The question is ( I think), what's the difference between "that" and "this," 
when you're talking about something like "the current topic"?  Is this 

The answer to this is, "this" and "that" are very relative terms.  It all 
depends on how you decide to use them.  Can you exactly define the difference 
between them in English, let alone Klingon?  What is "this" topic, as opposed 
to "that" topic?

Perhaps someone trained in linguistics can give you a better answer to this 
one than I can.  
Perhaps someone trained in linguistics can give you a better answer to that 
one than I can.

What's the difference?  How "close" you are to the thing being referred to.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96892.6

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