tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 20 03:02:35 1996

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Re: Sayu'

At 06:31 PM 11/19/96 -0800, you wrote:
>ghItlh HurghwI':
>>>>Moisture is in your eyes to allow you to keep them clean and scratch-free. A
>>>>hard inner eyelid would eliminate this need.
>>>chay' mIn Say'moHtaH yoD ngaSbogh?  lamchoH mIn Hur'e' 'e' botbe'bej.
>>BUT the hard outer eyelid would not need to be as clean, because it does not
>>act as a lens like the inner one, nor is it a soft and vulnerable to
>>scratching. Some animals have an inner eyelid for going under water. You
>>could argue that for such animals, it is pointless, because their outer
>>eyelid still gets wet.
>mInyoD cha'DIch ngaS'a' mIn?  mIn HurDaq 'oH'a' mInyoD cha'DIch'e'?
>let'a' mInyoD cha'DIch?  tun'a'?  yIQ'a'?  QaD'a'?

<<mInyoD>>? "eyelid" 'oH'a' mInyoD'e'? vItu'laHbe'. 'ej, DIpmey DellaHbe'
mI'mey. let *mInyoD cha'DIch* 'ej QaD.

>qayajbe'ba'.  HIyajmoHneS.

vaj jIQIjpu'.

>'ej bIQIjtaHvIS tlhIngan Hol yIlo' jay'!

tlhIngan Hol vImughmeH rut poH yap vIghajbe', taghwI' jIH. 

>-- ghunchu'wI'

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
      Stardate 96888.3
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   vogh vIghoSchugh, pa' SoH
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
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