tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 15:16:13 1996

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RE: My First Translation(using the nIS(need to) prefix)

Hi!  I'm SuStel, the list's Beginners' Grammarian!  I'll give you a hand here!


>  yISopnIS
>  I need to eat. (I=B4m hungry.)

{yI-} is an imperative (command) prefix.  If you're speaking in first person, 
singular, and there is no object (as in this case), then the correct prefix to 
use is {jI-}.

I need to eat.

Note also:

I am hungry.

>  qajatlhnIS
>  I need to speak with you.

This has been a point of contention here on the list.  Let me show you how you 
should probably say this:

SoHvaD jIjatlhnIS.
I need to speak with you.

The {-vaD} suffix on "you" means that "you" will receive the results of the 
action ("speak").  {jIjatlh} is "I speak."  {SoHvaD jIjatlh} is "I speak to 

>  qajaHnIS DaH
>  I need to go now.=20

Adverbials like {DaH} always come *before* the phrase.  Also, "I go" has no 
object, so you should use the {jI-} prefix again.

DaH jIjaHnIS.
I need to go now.

>  Satlho=B4=20
>  I thank you. (Thanks.)

Make sure you use the correct character key!  I can't see your apostrophes!

I thank you (plural).

This is correct, although I doubt it's something you'd hear a Klingon say.  
And saying "thanks" is such a typically human thing to do!  A Klingon would 
just leave when his conversation is finished.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96886.8

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