tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 02:42:05 1996

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Re: Sayu'

At 06:42 PM 11/17/96 -0800, you wrote:
>ghItlh HurghwI':
>>>>'ach nab lulo'bogh tlhInganpu' luQIj qechmey Daghaj'a'?
>>>mu'tlheghvam'e' vIyajbe' jIH.
>>"But do you have ideas which _explain_ the process which Klingons use [in
>>order to keep their eyes wet]?"
>mu'tlhegh vIlughmoH:
>'ach nab'e' lulo'bogh tlhInganpu' luQIjbogh qechmey Daghaj'a'?
>        ===                            ====
>'utbej mojaq cha'DIch.  qech yajlu'chu' 'e' boQ neH mojaq wa'DIch.


>mu'tlhegh vIjang:
>ghobe'. :-)
>>>>mInDu'chaj So'bogh "inner eyelid"-Du' ghaj tlhInganpu' 'e' vIloy.
>>>chay' mIn yIQmoHtaH Dochvam?
>>Moisture is in your eyes to allow you to keep them clean and scratch-free. A
>>hard inner eyelid would eliminate this need.
>chay' mIn Say'moHtaH yoD ngaSbogh?  lamchoH mIn Hur'e' 'e' botbe'bej.

BUT the hard outer eyelid would not need to be as clean, because it does not
act as a lens like the inner one, nor is it a soft and vulnerable to
scratching. Some animals have an inner eyelid for going under water. You
could argue that for such animals, it is pointless, because their outer
eyelid still gets wet.

>>I was asking for any guesses you had.
>tlhIngan yInQeD vISovbe' 'ej jIloyqangbe'.  pItlh.
>-- ghunchu'wI'

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
      Stardate 96884.2
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   vogh vIghoSchugh, pa' SoH
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
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