tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 18 13:00:16 1996

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Re: pIqaDqoq (was: diphthongs)


>Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 21:22:20 -0800
>From: [email protected] (Alan Anderson)
>Denny Shortliffe writes:

>>I will accept Marc as the only official source of the *SPOKEN* language,
>>including grammar and spelling.  But I'm not sure why that authority
>>should extend to the written side nor, if we agree that it doesn't, why
>>that should suddenly mean that there is no canon at all.
>It's worse than "no canon at all", actually.  What we see is explicitly
>"anti-canon".  Michael Okuda has always maintained that there is *no*
>meaning to the written Klingon he puts on sets beyond purely aesthetic

In fact, Marc Okrand has said publicly that part of the holdup is that he
and Okuda can't quite agree on what pIqaD should be like... but one thing
they DO agree is that it ISN'T a simple alphabet like we've been using.
He hasn't decided if it's a syllabary or logograms or pasigraphy or
who-knows-what, but it's not an alphabet like we've been using.  (My
personal excuse for our method then becomes: well, this is a simplified
alphabetical system for offworlders and certain restricted environments
that occasionally crop up, like the way Japanese is occasionally written
entirely in kana in telegrams, even though that's not the right way to
write it [and is hard to read for natives].  Note that I said MY excuse; I
think it's a good one and it leaves plenty of doors open, but it has no
official standing).


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