tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 18 07:09:12 1996

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Re: Overthinking grammar

> The next sentence is the one I feel most appropriate to *this* forum,
> however. "What the rules represent, in other words, is what Klingon
> grammarians agree on as the 'best' Klingon."
> *This* is what I see as the function of the KLI and this List: the exploration
> of "proper" Klingon grammar, so that we can ALL understand each other.  As
> with English, everyday speech may be all but incomprehensible to people from
> different areas, but grammatically correct speech *should* be understood.
> Anyway, that's the opinion of another non-expert. <g>

     From yet another non-expert, an illustrative anecdote:  I had two friends
in college, one of them from the rural South, and one from Barcelona, Spain.
The one from Spain spoke very good English but one day when the other friend
began speaking in the 'slave' dialect (see Joel Chandler Harris's 'Uncle Remus
Stories') she was totally lost.  She didn't even recognize it as English.
When dealing with non-native speakers, there is a lot to be said for standard
grammar and pronunciation.

p.s. Anther post contains part of this, and a different quote.  Mailer glitched.
Ignore it.

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'pu'vaD Holtej jIH
| Thaddaeus Vick, Linguist to the Masses |    [email protected]  -or-    |
|                                        |     [email protected]      |
| gules on a saltire argent voided azure |                           |
| thirteen mullets of the second. Yeeha. | |

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