tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 16 17:56:34 1996

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Re: Klingon letters (was Re: <K'>vaD ghItlhlu''a'?)

>As I understand it, yes. (Or possibly a vowel, semi-vowel combo if you
>believe in semi-vowels!)
>Dave C.

I don't believe in semi-vowels, or,rather, I'll believe in anything if it
can be defined in terms I can accept.

I believe that "y" can be EITHER a vowel or a consonant, depending on how
it's used in the word being examined.  If this bivalence makes it a
"semi-vowel" then so be it, but I never heard the term before these recent

As it applies to {tlhIngan Hol}, Okrand says that it's a consonant only,
even if appended to an 'a' or other vowel.  Sorry, I meant Kronstint and
vooble, not consonant and vowel.


qrlIH veStaySortlhIH Sogh la'       Lt. Commander K'rlikh Vestai-Shor-Klikh
tlhIngan wo' Duj qIj leng ra'wI'    Commanding Officer, IKV Black Odyssey
Qanpu' pogh DuQ cha'DIch ra'wI'     Deputy C.O., Mailed Glove Squadron


Denny Shortliffe

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