tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 16 16:00:44 1996

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Syntax - I'm Lost

I think I'm lost......... what am I missing SuStel?????????

I understand object-verb-subject (I think), maybe I'm confused about what
the object is.  We read tlhingan Hol from left to right (right to left might
be easier) even though the phrase is object-verb-subject.

I get confused when there is more that one phrase in a sentence. Purpose and
Relative clauses do come before the object-verb-subject, but what about the
rest??? Here are a couple of examples from SuStel.

jatlh SuStel:
naDevvo' pa' bIjaHlaHbe'.
You can't go there from here.
I would read this as:
>From here you can't get there.
Reading from left to right and object-verb-subject
naDevvo' (from here) pa' bIjaHlaHbe' (you can't get there)
The meaning is the same but saying it is backwards

You also said:
That which does not kill us, makes us stronger
muHoHbe'wI' muHoSmoHbej
Which makes sense and in an order I understand.

Power Klingon said:
naDev Dochvetlh qem
Bring that here!
I understand Bring that thing or (you implied) bring that thing ie.
but why does the naDev go at the beginning????????????????

Last question (for now, I hope you don't mind):
No matter where you go, there you are.
ram Daq DaghoSbogh, pa' SoHtaHmo'.
ram Daq <--- wouldn't ram be an adj? and if so shouldn't it come after the
noun Daq?

[email protected]

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