tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 16 15:57:20 1996

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jatlh lo'rel:

>  tuj 'oH yuchwIj 'ej 'oH vItlhutlh.
>  My chocolate is hot and I drink it.

{tuj 'oH} means "It is hot."  {tuj} by itself also means "it is hot."  The 
{'oH} is in the subject position.  {tuj yuchwIj}  "My chocolate is hot."  See? 
 You don't need both the noun and the pronoun.  Just the noun will do.  {tuj 

(By the way, you might consider leaving off the {'oH} in {'oH vItlhutlh}.  
It's grammatically correct, but a little redundant.  {tuj yuchwIj 'ej 

>  yuch vItlhutlhDI' vItIv.
>  When I drink chocolate I enjoy it.


>  wa'vatlh wa'maH cha' rep HIvemmoH.
>  Wake me up at 12:00 hours.

If you've got the time, listen to the time-telling section of Conversational 
Klingon.  Klingon time-telling is borrowed from other cultures, and so follows 
their conventions.  Specifically, 12:00 is pronounced "Twelve hundred hours," 
and should come out that way in Klingon.  {wa'maH cha' vatlh rep}.  Simply 
state the hour's number ("twelve"), then say {vatlh} "hundred," then say {rep} 

>  How did I do with these?  I'm not too sure how to use pronouns.

Actually, you didn't need to use any pronouns in these sentences.  Either 
pronouns will be used as they are in English (to replace a noun to avoid being 
redundant), or they are used in "to be" constructions (TKD section 6.3).

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96878.1

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