tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 16 15:52:55 1996

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RE: KLBC: Win95 program

jatlh Jimmy:

>  Windows 95 ghun ghajmeH vay' tlhingan-Hol ghItlhwI'?
>  Does anyone have a Windows 95 program for writing in Klingon?

{ghun} is not a noun, it is a verb.  Therefore, {*Windows 95* ghun} does not 
mean "Windows 95 program."  Your best bet is to specify what the program does 
(e.g. {tlhIngan Hol ghItlhwI' ghItlhwI'}).

You can still use the word {ghun}, though.  How about this:

*Windows 95* tlhIngan Hol ghItlhwI' ghunta''a' vay'?
Has someone programmed a Windows 95 Klingon language writer?

*Windows 3.1*vaD wa' ghun *Holtej*.  tlhIngan Hol yejHaD *FTP* DaqDaq 
tu'lu'law'.  *Windows 95*vaD wa' ghunlI', 'ach DotlhDaj vISovbe'.

Holtej has programmed one for Windows 3.1; I think it's at the KLI ftp site.  
He was once working on one for Windows 95, but I don't know what's up with 

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96878.2

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