tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 15 21:04:12 1996

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Re: Klingon letters (was Re: <K'>vaD ghItlhlu''a'?)

At 06:23 PM 11/15/96 -0800, Jeremy Cowan wrote:
>Actually, as I see it, that is exactly the debate we're having!  Since the
>writing doesn't mean anything, how can you possibly use it to support an
>argument?  We have "official" rules on how to use the language, but we
>don't have any "official" rules on how to use the writing system.  Okrand
>has suggested a way to use characters from English to represent tlhIngan
>words, but that tells us NOTHING about the Klingon writing systems.  A
>name beginning with K' is no more "illegal" than names like r'Hul, qrlIH,
>and mayq.  None of them are tlhIngan Hol, all of them are personal names
>and thus NOBODY has the right to say they can't be used!  ...

bIlugh. maj.

But, according to Dr. Okrand's Roman-alphabet-transliteration-system, there
is no "K" (as of yet, anyway). It just strikes me as odd that someone would
use it -- but hey! I learned something during this argument! K' and M' are
from Klingonaase! That's something new to me. majQa', jIH!

Anyway, what I am getting at now are the names someone used in a tlhIngan
Hol story using these "Klingonaase" conventions (ex: Joe was K'jo; etc).
But, it is allowed; permitted; accepted; used. Therefore: it will be.

Next time I spark a debate (or re-kindle a chain reaction of them in this
case), I will have to phrase my SKI's in a more, ... diplomatic way. I
regret saying "Illegal" and should have just left it at "I frown upon it,
because of the following reasons [blah, blah, blah]". vIt.

>As a matter of fact, I really like the name mayq.

qatlho', <janSIy>. SuvwI' pong 'oH <janSIy>'e'. :)


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