tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 15 13:06:31 1996

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Re: <K'>vaD ghItlhlu''a'?

At 12:35 PM 11/15/96 -0800, Lee Lewis wrote:
>I did not mean to come off as confrontive in my commentary.  I only
>meant to point out that many people had already developed characters
>based on other criteria before tlhIngan Hol; and wondered if it was
>expected that they should change their name(s) to conform to the
>okrandian version.  If I moved to Spain, I wouldn't think I should
>change my name from Lewis to Luis.  Nor am I suggesting that you
>implied this (I am really not sure); I am just reflecting on the

That's okay. :) You've got a point, anyway. Some people might have named
themselves before they learned of tlhIngan Hol. (Or if they ever did.)

Some of my examples come from a story written by someone in "qIb HeHDaq"
from the "Interstellar Language School" (I hear it came about because of its
confrontations with KLI?). They seem to use, well, ... unorthodox methods.
One person wrote a story in tlhIngan Hol on their web page and all the names
are the same as in English, but with "K'" in front of them. "K'Huq tai
Finn"? What kind of a tlhIngan Hol name is that? I mean, come on; it's in
tlhIngan Hol; so the names should be transliterated. Why not "Huq vIn"?
What's wrong with that? Why do they have to go out of their way and use
"Klingonaase" naming conventions when they can just transliterate it into
tlhIngan Hol?

I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm just asking a question. That's all.

>(Are we still 'on topic' I wonder?)

HISlaH. (qatlh <HISlaH> ghItlhlu'be'?). pongmey tlhIngan wIja'chuqtaH.


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