tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 15 09:23:52 1996

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Re: diphthongs (was Re: <K'>vaD)

>jatlh K'rlikh...
>> This appears to me to be somewhat muddy thinking.  How can you
>> the validity of a fan writing system from a fan language?  Or is it
>> thesis that, since Marc Okrand was *PAID* to create the language
>> Paramount, that it's *NOT* a fan language, even though the bulk of
>> speakers/writers (I'm counting numbers here -- I'm a democrat) are
>jatlh K'Pach...	
>It seems to me that everyone keeps thinking of Klingons as one
>homogenous group, with one language, one set of customs, one style of
>writing, one physical appearance, etc.
>I think Klingons would have a variety of cultural backgounds, even as
>Terrans do.  There would be different languages, customs, styles of
>writing, etc.  Of course, we as fans must try to limit ourselves to
>*some* degree or we will have total chaos, but if groups of us get
>together and form varying "dialects" of tlhIngan Hol, or set certain
>standards for the use of the various fonts that are available, or if
>we have different "houses" or "thelds" with individual customs ---
>all this only adds to the "reality" (or illusion thereof) for all of
>us.  The homogenous culture concept is unrealistic.
>To clarify this some; if someone develops a persona which they claim
>is of Andorean/Klingon ancestry and that their language is a blend of
>these... this is getting ridiculous and falls outside of "ST
>reality."  However, if someone claims to be a Klingon of the house of
>[place house name here], and that their house historically observes
>Empire Union Day by giving a close friend a gift, or by wearing all
>red... this isn't getting too far fetched; and may even add some
>realism and texture to our "Klingon lives."
>I hope I haven't gone too far out of topic - language & culture are
>so closely related.  And I sure I will get some repsonses.  

I have no problem with what you said here; I even think I agree with it
(!).  But I don't see how it follows the thread of the discusison.  Could
you show how it bears on what I had previously written (reproduced above).


qrlIH veStaySortlhIH Sogh la'       Lt. Commander K'rlikh Vestai-Shor-Klikh
tlhIngan wo' Duj qIj leng ra'wI'    Commanding Officer, IKV Black Odyssey
Qanpu' pogh DuQ cha'DIch ra'wI'     Deputy C.O., Mailed Glove Squadron


Denny Shortliffe

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