tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 14 19:40:23 1996

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Re: translation question

>}     I'm putting together a phrase book to help RP on another MUSH I play on.
>}I came across the phrase "What are your surplus commodities?" which a customer
>}requested I add.  Any ideas?
> Depends on what surplus means in this context.  If it is a standard
> economics term, forgive my ignorance.  Here are some guesses.
     It's more like, "Which of the several commodities do you have in
sufficient quantity that you can sell some, as opposed to needing it to keep
you own economy alive."

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'pu'vaD Holtej jIH
| Thaddaeus Vick, Linguist to the Masses |    [email protected]  -or-    |
|                                        |     [email protected]      |
| gules on a saltire argent voided azure |                           |
| thirteen mullets of the second. Yeeha. | |

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