tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 14 18:40:09 1996

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Re: <K'>vaD ghItlhlu''a'?

At 04:42 PM 11/14/96 -0800, you wrote:
>At 03:44 PM 11/14/96 -0800, Adrian (HurghwI') wrote:
>>>When I wrote that message I assumed (and had the right to assume) that we
>>>were talking about tlhIngan Hol here. Naming conventions using tlhIngan=
> Hol.
>>>This is a tlhIngan Hol mailing list, is it not?
>>If we're using tlhIngan Hol naming conventions, why don't you change your=
> name?
>As was stated in this mailing list before (by whom, I don't know): Names
>(assumingly names given to people who speak tlhIngan Hol) don't have to make
>any sense whatsoever.
>"mayq" is using the LEGAL letters in the transliterated alphabet (Roman
>without the accents and whatnot) -- it's like the name "Ashna" (in this
>case, the name of an English speaker): it uses the allowable letters of the
>English alphabet, doesn't make any sense in English, and none of the
>syllables in that name are used in English words. i.e. There is no word with
>the consonant cluster "shn" in English as far as I know. Stuff like that.

I realize that a name doesn't have to mean anything. However, it must
contain LEGAL groups of sounds. The syllables in "Ashna" may not, as you
say, mean anything in English, _but_ the syllables are used in English words
(take "ASH" and "NAcelle"). Saying "mayq" is a Klingon name is like saying
"Trcka" is an English name (BTW, that really is someone's name). "Trcka"
uses legal English letters, but it clearly defies pronunciation. It's a bit
hard to say that something is unpronouncable in English, because English
itself is _very_ open as far as the varieties of spellings and
pronunciations, but you see my point. "mayq" could be a Klingon name,
possibly adopted from another culture, but it certainly does not follow the
naming conventions of tlhIngan Hol any better than K'vaD. I'm not trying to
say your name is wrong. I'm just saying that you should "practice what you

>You don't see names like Em=ECl=EC=F6 in English. (I'm just using those=
> accents as an example. In case you couldn't see the accents, the first two
were "i"'s
>with the accent "grave" (sorry, I only know the French term for it) and one
>"o" at the end with those two dots above it.)

As mentioned earlier, K'vaD never claimed his name was Klingon. It could
merely be a terran spelling for {qatlhvaD}.


-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
      Stardate 96872.3
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   vogh vIghoSchugh, pa' SoH
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
  |_,\    /  |
 /   \\  //\_|__
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